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game schedule

Theater Tüte does not have its own venue. We often play public performances in theaters, leisure centers, cultural centers and cultural centers in the Hanover region and in Lower Saxony. Since 2004 we have also been playing private events in kindergartens, toddler groups, schools, community centers and other institutions. 

Although no (or only a few) public events are listed here, we currently have a few closed performances. We are also very happy to come to your facility or another location of your choice.  

​ Currently, due to the pandemic, we can only offer public performances that are funded. You are also welcome to book us for closed performances. We have funding for this and can offer you a cheap offer. 

No events at the moment

past events

Vergangene Veranstaltungen



We would like to thank our sponsors very much:
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Logo Hannover Stiftung
Logo Klosterkammer Hannover

Diese Webseite wurde finanziert mit Unterstützung der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (im Programm NEU-START KULTUR, Programmlinie Junges Publikum/ Assitej)

© 2022 Theater Tüte

  • Instagram - Weiß Kreis
  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
  • YouTube - Weiß, Kreis,

Office Theater Tüte

Frau Ylva Jangsell

30171 Hannover​

Tel.  0176 64086770

0511 1297087 (home)


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Theater Tüte is a member of the Association Freie Theater Hannover and of the Landesverband Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.
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