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Current employees:

Ylva Jangsell  Foto: Thomas Finster
Ylva Jangsell

direction, directing, drama/dance/music,

conception, PR, organization and administration

studied acting, dance, visual theatre, performance and physical theater in England and Denmark. She debuted on stage at the age of 13 and since then has acted in and/or guided and directed over 85 productions. 

From 1989 to 2000 she worked in Sweden, England, Denmark and France and since autumn 2000 she has been active in Hanover. Between 2000 and 2010 she was involved in 11 different productions at the Theaterwerkstatt Hannover. She was also active as a guest in various other free ensembles, including Theater fensterzurstadt (Hanover), Theater wrede+ (Oldenburg) and Cultura e. V. (Hildesheim). 

She acts, dances, makes music, directs and teaches various forms of theater for all ages, including the very young. In 2004 she founded Theater Tüte in Hanover. 

When working for the very youngest, she uses her roots in performance, dance and movement traditions and works in open structures, with abstractions and improvisation. Her form of theater works strongly with impulses that come from the audience - from the very youngest viewers or their companions, the adults: parents, educators, grandparents and siblings.

Elisabeth Krüger.  Foto: Thomas Finster
Elizabeth Krüger

concept, game, dance, music and song, office work

has been working continuously at Theater Tüte since 2016. In addition to writing and editing texts, her activities initially included assisting and acting in performances. Since November 2021 she has been involved in the production "Where the snow grows" and is also active in the areas of concept, play, dance, music and singing.
From 2010 to 2012 she attended the Paul Hindemith School for Musicals and Music Theater. Since 2016 she has been studying cultural studies and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim with a focus on theater. She also works as a cultural mediator in the museum, runs theater groups in schools and gives workshops at events. Since April 2020 she has been working with Thomas Zigahn on a project to visualize female biographies in German history. This work is based on the stamp series “Women in German History”.

Olivia Pum   


was born and raised in Freiburg. She completed her education studies in Chemnitz and then moved to Hanover. From 2016 - 2021 she did press and public relations, event management and various assistant directors at the Klecks-Theater in Hanover. In 2021 she started her own business with a second-hand shop in Hanover-Linden and has been working as a freelance stylist and actress ever since. Since 2021 she has also been working as a freelancer for Theater Tüte and supports them in press and public relations.

Vier Jahreszeiten
Regine Sengebusch

direction, dramaturgy, concept 

studied cultural education, with a focus on theater and psychology, at the University of Hildesheim. Since then she has worked as an actress, singer, freelance author, director and dramaturg in productions by the Theaterwerkstatt in Hanover, RAM Theater etc. In 2012 and 2016 she acted as a director at Theater Tüte in the plays: "Where is my foot" and "Red, Yellow, Blue - I am a Peacock". She was also active as a dramaturge and in the conception of various performances by Theater Tüte. Since 2020, she has also been working as a teacher in the music and arts department through a lateral entry.

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Ana Antadze

acting, singing, dancing 

was born in Tbilisi and grew up in Vienna. Ana completed her philosophy studies at the Freie Universität in Berlin and then studied staging of the arts and media with a focus on theater at the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim. Her passion for singing and acting brought her to Theater Tüte in autumn 2021, where she became part of the "Where the snow grows" project as a performer.

Nina Melcher  

acting, singing, dancing 

works as a trained contemporary stage dancer with a passion for acrobatics and singing. She started her freelance career in Paris in 2018 with the company Ifunamboli. Since then she has danced in various international independent projects as well as at the Staatstheater Braunschweig and now she is also with Theater Tüte! Since her additional qualification as a dance teacher in 2017, she has also been giving workshops, professional dance training and personal coaching in the field of dance floor acrobatics. Since autumn 2021 she has been a performer in the piece "Where the snow grows".

Nina Melcher (@ninamlcr) • Instagram photos and videos

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Alexander Goretzki  

 music, Musical Director 

studied piano and music theory in Hanover. He is a composer, pianist, arranger, author, singer and actor at various theaters in Hanover, including the Theaterwerkstatt Hanover, Commedia Futura and Klecks Theater. At "Prof. Feuerluft, the water and the Peng Ping Pon", "Red, Yellow, Blue - I am a peacock" and "Where the snow grows" he took over the musical supervision.

Martina Veenhoven   


is a visual artist. She is trained as a teacher and studied fine arts in Hanover. She has also created costumes and stage designs for various independent theaters such as Theaterwerkstatt Hannover, Commedia Futura, Katinka Zechner and Theater Tüte. She has been working for Theater Tüte since 2010.

Thomas Finster   

graphics, photos, picture book

From 1994 to 1998 he studied product design (diploma) at the technical college for design in Hildesheim and from 1998 to 2000 graphic design with a focus on typography and photography. Since 2005 he has been working primarily for the cultural sector in Hanover (independent theatre, cultural centers and leisure centres). He has been working for Theater Tüte since 2010. In 2021 he developed the picture book "Four Seasons TO GO" together with Ylva.

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Sonja Frick   

Virtual Assistant  

was born in Ravensburg and completed her office management training in 2020. Shortly thereafter she became self-employed as a virtual assistant and has been working freelance with Ylva Jangsell since June 2021 and supports her in the field of marketing.

Vier Jahreszeiten
Jürgen Salzmann 

video artist, photos

studied cultural education, cultural studies and aesthetic communication at the University of Hildesheim. Since 1994 he has worked as a freelance actor, director, video designer and performer. He works in theaters and museums and has teaching assignments at various educational institutions. He made video recordings of "Red, Yellow, Blue - I'm a Peacock" and "Where the Snow Grows" for Theater Tüte. 

Former employees:

Vier Jahreszeiten
Matthias Alber 

artistic collaboration, PR/organization, photos, video recordings, technology

Matthias is an actor, qualified social worker and social pedagogue. Since 1992 he has been working as an actor at the Theaterwerkstatt Hannover, among other things, and has been involved in children's theater productions, which have also won several national and international awards. He has also been a member of the management team since 2005. He was involved in all Theater Tüte productions and fulfilled various functions between 2004 and 2019: artistic collaboration, PR/organisation, photo and video recording, technology, purchasing and consulting.

Åza Thelandersson Re 


comes like Ylva Jangsell from Sweden. The two of you have been friends for many years. She starred in the first version of "Bullerby Comes to Visit" in 2011. She also supported Theater Tüte in writing applications. 

Also: Beatrice Ludwig (assistant), Elke Cybulski, (director), Karin Darmstädter (performer), Sönke Franz (music, acting),  Rossi M. Rozin (music, acting, stage, first Website), Klaus Fleige (photos).



We would like to thank our sponsors very much:
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Logo Landeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro
Logo Hannover Stiftung
Logo Klosterkammer Hannover

Diese Webseite wurde finanziert mit Unterstützung der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (im Programm NEU-START KULTUR, Programmlinie Junges Publikum/ Assitej)

© 2022 Theater Tüte

  • Instagram - Weiß Kreis
  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
  • YouTube - Weiß, Kreis,

Office Theater Tüte

Frau Ylva Jangsell

30171 Hannover​

Tel.  0176 64086770

0511 1297087 (home)


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Theater Tüte is a member of the Association Freie Theater Hannover and of the Landesverband Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.
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