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Weißer Winterzauber. Foto Klaus Fleige.jpg

White winter magic
A piece of snow


Snow falls, everything turns white, soft and cold. What is hidden under the snow cover?
We experience both well-known and unknown animals and creatures of winter and we discover the magic of the most magical season of the year. And the highlight in the middle of winter: Christmas, with all its smells, sounds and delicacies that go with it. And let's not forget to decorate the Christmas tree!
A fairy has a lot to do in winter: the children become part of the action and help her with the many preparations during the wintry Christmas season.

A play for the pre-Christmas period to look forward to Christmas, or for the time afterwards to remember it.

Played by Ylva Jangsell
Idea, costumes and set design: Ylva Jangsell
Artistic collaboration: Matthias Alber and Elke Cybulski
Photos: Klaus Fleige and Thomas Finster

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© 2022 Theater Tüte

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Office Theater Tüte

Frau Ylva Jangsell

30171 Hannover​

Tel.  0176 64086770

0511 1297087 (home)


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Theater Tüte is a member of the Association Freie Theater Hannover and of the Landesverband Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.
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