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Dieses Stück spielen wir erst wieder in 2025

Where the snow grows
A musical winter theater for everyone from the age of one  

Snow glitters and sparkles so beautifully. It crunches and creaks when you walk over it and it quickly melts in your warm hand. The white miracle feels cold and wet, sometimes hard and sometimes soft. But where does the snow actually grow? Together with you we go on a journey of discovery and invite you to a magical winter world. Tracks in the snow show us the paths of animals and lead us into the cold season. Maybe we'll even meet a polar bear? 

With dance, singing and music, our lively theater winter landscape is created for young and old.


Director: Ylva Jangsell

Players: Ana Antadze, Elisabeth Krüger, Nina Melcher and Ylva Jangsell 

Music: Alexander Goretzki, Elisabeth Krüger, Matti Bye, Rene Aubry´

Musical direction: Alexander Goretzki

Costumes: Ensemble

Stage: Ensemble

Photos and poster: Thomas Finster

PR and Public Relations: Olivia Pum

Assistant: Beatrice Ludwig

Funded by:

Cultural Office of the State Capital of Hanover and the Ministry of Science and Culture

“Lower Saxony is turning up” (NEW START KULTUR). 



We would like to thank our sponsors very much:
Logo Fonds Darstellende Künste
Logo niedersächsisches ministerium für wissenscahft und kultur.jpg
Logo Niedersachsen dreht auf
Logo Landeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro
Logo Hannover Stiftung
Logo Klosterkammer Hannover

Diese Webseite wurde finanziert mit Unterstützung der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (im Programm NEU-START KULTUR, Programmlinie Junges Publikum/ Assitej)

© 2022 Theater Tüte

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  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
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Office Theater Tüte

Frau Ylva Jangsell

30171 Hannover​

Tel.  0176 64086770

0511 1297087 (home)


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Theater Tüte is a member of the Association Freie Theater Hannover and of the Landesverband Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.
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