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Theater Tüte is a mobile children's theater and specializes in

Playing theater for the little ones, for children from 1 year.

Mobile children's theater "Four Seasons". Summer. Woman in a swimsuit. Ylva Jangsell
Mobile Children's Theater "Where the Snow Grows"

This makes Theater Tüte the only theater in the Hanover region that plays for this age group.*


Theater Tüte was founded in Hanover in 2004 by the Swedish actress and theater maker Ylva Jangsell. The plays are kept short according to age. They are only 35 - 45 minutes long and deal with everyday topics. The children are involved in the game during the performance. 

The productions of Theater Tüte are in-house productions - self-developed stories are told in a pictorial way. Since 2004, more than twelve plays have been created. The starting point for the pieces is either an object or a theme, and this creates a lively form of theater – with language, movement, music and song.



"Theater to touch" - said an educator about Theater Bag. The barrier between players and spectators is special in this age group - it is more delicate, more open and sometimes more chaotic. Theater Tüte wishes to keep in direct contact with the young viewers during the game and to continue to explore, so that the viewers can also influence what is happening. This makes every performance new for both the players and the spectators.

The performances of Theater Tüte are the first theater experience for many small children - we want to ensure that the child remembers this experience as fearlessly and joyfully as possible. Like a boy after seeing the performance "Moo - what's that egg in the shoe doing?" weeks later was still looking for an egg in his shoe... 

We are a team of professional actors and theater makers working together to develop the plays. The plays are then performed by one or sometimes two actors. 

 *there are some pieces for children from 2 years, but not from 1 year.

Theater workshops for young and old

Normally, Ylva Jangsell offers theater workshops for all ages.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, this has no longer been possible.

We don't know when we can offer theater workshops again.

There is a construction site here, content to come!

Workshop in der Kita
Theaterworkshops für Schulkinder.
Theater workshops for adults. Movement.

Workshops for children from 1 year

Workshops for school children

workshops for adults



We would like to thank our sponsors very much:
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Logo Niedersachsen dreht auf
Logo Landeshauptstadt Hannover Kulturbüro
Logo Hannover Stiftung
Logo Klosterkammer Hannover

Diese Webseite wurde finanziert mit Unterstützung der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (im Programm NEU-START KULTUR, Programmlinie Junges Publikum/ Assitej)

© 2022 Theater Tüte

  • Instagram - Weiß Kreis
  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
  • YouTube - Weiß, Kreis,

Office Theater Tüte

Frau Ylva Jangsell

30171 Hannover​

Tel.  0176 64086770

0511 1297087 (home)


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Theater Tüte is a member of the Association Freie Theater Hannover and of the Landesverband Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.
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